Water and aqueous solutions
Since long there is a great interest in the special properties of water and aqueous solutions (look at Angew. Chem., 113, 1856-1876, 2001). More than 50 publications of this group handle water in one way or another. As part of the DFG- research group 436 we investigated the behavior of water at molecular interfaces in cooperation with scientists from Bochum, Darmstadt and Dortmund (ChemPhysChem, 9, 18, 2008). Even with increasing interest in ionic liquids, the topic of water never left, for example as an important component of "water-in-solvent" electrolytes (J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 17, 4476-4488, 2021). In this case, water induces the fluidization of the electrolyt and acts as an additional hydrogen bond donor in combination with the ionic liquid leading to greatly decreased melting temperatures. Together they form a "deep eutectic solvent".
As most important hydrogen bonded liquid, water enables us to understand the dynamics of hydrogen bonding processes (J. Chem. Phys., 154, 214501, 2020) and to find mathematical descriptions.
A modern research topic are the "Salty Clathrates", which are clathrate hydrates with anions and cations as additional guest particles as well as neutral methane guests for example. Latest computer simulations show thermodynamically stable behaviour.